How to clean the toilet - a few effective methods


The toilet must always be kept clean, and not only for its attractiveness, but also for the health of all residents. Indeed, all kinds of bacteria and pathogens are actively developing in this sanitary device. Therefore, below we will look at how to clean the toilet inside of various types of pollution.

Toilet bowl cleaning

First of all, it should be said that conditionally cleaning the toilet bowl can be divided into two types:

  • Elimination of pollution at the stage of their appearance.
  • Cleaning heavily soiled plumbing.

The degree of contamination depends on cleaning methods. Therefore, below we consider both situations.

Cleaning lightly soiled surface


One of the main pollutants of this sanitary device is limescale. If the plumbing is periodically cleaned, then you can remove the limescale with vinegar. It is best to use 70% vinegar for these purposes, however, in the absence of such, you can use 9%.

Seventy Percent Vinegar

Instructions for cleaning the plumbing surface with vinegar is as follows:

  • In a suitable container you need to pour one cup of vinegar.
  • Then the container should be covered with a lid and slightly warmed.
  • Next, warm vinegar to fill in the bowl and at the same time add a little soda and iodine.
  • After a few hours, the vinegar must be rinsed.
  • If the first time did not completely achieve the desired result, the procedure must be repeated.

It is best to fill the bowl with vinegar before bedtime, in which case the bloom will completely dissolve overnight.

White for cleaning plumbing


Many housewives, when it comes to talking about how to flush the toilet to be white, recommend using whiteness. The principle of cleaning this tool is the same as vinegar.

It should be noted that the whiteness will help to cope with heavy pollution. Moreover, it can be used to eliminate limescale, urinary stone and rust. The only procedure will have to be repeated several times. (See also the article How to clean a toilet from a stone: features.)

Tip! Many housewives do not know how to clean the bottom of the toilet, but this is not difficult - if the bottom is very dirty, before cleaning you need to pump out the water and use the methods described above. If the raid is not strong, you can pour out the whiteness (or other means) without pumping out the water, and after a while clean the bottom with a brush.

In the photo - citric acid

Citric acid

Another quite effective method is to use citric acid.

This is done as follows:

  • First of all, you need to pour a couple of sachets of acid into the bowl.
  • After a few hours, the inner surface of the bowl should be cleaned with a toilet brush.
  • If necessary, the procedure must be repeated again.

Citric acid can be used if you are looking for a remedy than to clean the drain in the toilet. This tool allows you to clean the ceramic surface from drips.

Oxalic acid

Cleaning heavily soiled surfaces

So, with the elimination of minor pollution, we have read. If the plumbing fixture has not been cleaned for years, for example, by the former owners of housing, then it is unlikely that you will be able to cope with pollution using conventional means. Therefore, next we consider the best way to clean a heavily soiled toilet.

Oxalic acid

One of the most effective ways to eliminate strong pollution with your own hands is to use technical oxalic acid. It is sold in stores in dry form, packaged in bags.

Work with it is performed in this order:

  • First of all, it is necessary to moisten a rag with water and apply a small amount of powder on it.
  • Then, with a cloth, rub the contaminated surface.

Also, you can dissolve the acid in a small amount of water and pour it into the bowl of the device. In this case, an hour later, the solution can be washed and the surface cleaned with a brush.

I must say that this method is one of the cheapest, since the price of oxalic acid is low.

Tip! Often the housewives are interested in - what to clean the toilet cover from the yellowness? To do this, you can use any cleaning agent. If the yellowness is not removed, then you need to replace the cover with the seat.

Coca-Cola is an effective tool for cleaning plumbing

Coca - Coke

An effective tool that is familiar to many housewives, is familiar to all drink - Coca-Cola. Removing pollution with its help is carried out according to the standard scheme - the liquid is poured into the instrument bowl (about half a liter) for several hours, after which the surface should be cleaned with a brush and rinsed.

Battery Electrolyte


Choosing than to clean the toilet from lime and urinary stone, which is a thick layer on the surface of the plumbing, you can stay on the electrolyte (fluid that is poured into the batteries). This acid can eliminate the most serious pollution.

Cleaning the surface with electrolyte is very simple - you need to pour the solution and wait a few hours. After that, the liquid must be washed.

Note! It is necessary to work with electrolyte very carefully - with gloves, respirator and goggles. It is necessary to pour electrolyte so that there is no splashing.

Here, perhaps, all the most effective methods of cleaning the toilet.


As we found out, even the most serious dirt can be removed from the surface of the plumbing fixture. The only thing before you clean the toilet, you need to properly assess the degree of contamination. For example, for regular routine cleaning you can use vinegar or whiteness, if the condition of the plumbing fixture is depressing, you should use an electrolyte.

From the video in this article can be found with some additional information on the designated topic.