How to clean the toilet bowl: proven folk methods and modern


Regardless of how carefully you use the sanitary devices in the toilet room, from time to time it should be cleaned of mineral deposits that appear due to the constant contact of surfaces with water. Special attention should be paid cumulative capacity for draining. You do not need to call a specialist for this procedure or use a special technique. Everything can be done with your own hands, you just need to know what and how to clean the toilet cistern.

It looks like limestone precipitated on the wall of the toilet bowl

Causes of plaque

A large amount of mineral substances is dissolved in the water circulating through the water pipes. After all, the liquid, before reaching the apartment, passes through a variety of different soils and reservoirs, absorbing the microscopic particles of the materials that it was washing.

At the same time, minerals of organic origin - limestone and others - dissolve faster, and rocky volcanic rocks - basalt, granite - more slowly. And, although at the water intake stations the water goes through many cleaning cycles, eliminating suspended particles and dangerous for life and health of microbes, it is impossible to completely remove the minerals.

Water in nature passes through many rocks, dissolving minerals in itself

Note! Absolutely harmless to sanitary devices distilled water. However, it completely lacks the elements necessary for the human body and its taste is a bit unpleasant. Therefore, the cleaning systems and the task is not to completely rid the liquid of all impurities. The reverse side of the coin is a periodic cleaning of the toilet cistern and other plumbing fixtures.

But why a large amount of lime is deposited in the cistern?

There are two reasons for this:

  1. A certain volume of water contains a fixed amount of dissolved limestone, part of which settles on the walls.. The more frequently the water in the tank is renewed, the more lime will precipitate. And it is hardly in the apartment there is another tank, the liquid in which changes so often.
  2. The surface inside the cistern is not covered with smooth icing, like the rest of the toilet. Accordingly, the inner part of the container has the best adhesion properties, which, respectively, and leads to an increased formation of plaque.

But do not worry. Knowing how to clean the toilet cistern inside, you can easily get rid of the unpleasant white bloom and return to your sanitary device the original state of perfect cleanliness.

Tip! To maximize the accumulation of plaque on the walls, it is recommended to buy porcelain toilet bowls (although their price is higher than the faience). The internal surface of such devices, although it has pores, is characterized by a much lower coefficient of water absorption (0.05%). Therefore, minerals will precipitate more slowly.

Toilet bowl - the place where water is most often updated.

Ways to clean the toilet

Special detergents

It is time to decide on how to clean the toilet bowl from the inside in order to get rid of lime deposits as quickly and efficiently as possible.

To do this, there are three groups of different household chemicals that can be purchased at the nearest supermarket:

  1. Abrasives. They are powders or pastes, which include the smallest solid particles that can scrape off any, even the most ancient, deposits from the surface. To use cleaning powders, it is necessary to block the access of water to the tank, flush the water out of it and use a sponge or cloth to wipe off the lime from the inner surface of the container.
Abrasive powders - not the best way to clean the toilet bowl

Despite its effectiveness, this method has several significant drawbacks:

  • the cleaning process is very time consuming;
  • from such an impact, miniature scratches remain on the inner surface of the earthenware or porcelain, which increase the adhesion properties of the surface (lime in the future will stick even faster).
  1. Alkaline solutions. Most likely, you have already used them to eliminate sewer blockages in the toilet. Of the most famous, you can call Domeestos or the good old Whiteness. For cleaning, you need to drain the water from the tank and apply the alkali solution to the walls, then leave the container to soak for half an hour. At the end of the process, you can rub the surface with a brush or simply fill the tank with water. If the lime layer is too thick, the procedure will have to be repeated several times.
On the photo - alkaline agent for removing limescale
  1. Acid solutions. Work on the same principle as alkaline. An example is Sillit. Apply in a similar way. When applying chemically active substances, strictly adhere to the established procedure for their use. The instructions for use are printed on the back of the bottle and must be strictly followed. In particular, do not forget to use personal protective equipment - rubber gloves and a gauze bandage.
Strictly follow the instruction manual for active chemicals.

Tip! Do not use acids and alkalis for treating enamelled surfaces. From exposure to chemically active substances enamel becomes rough and even more attracts plaque and collects dirt.

Folk remedies

If the substances listed in the previous section are not available, you can use the available tools. Of course, great-grandmother's recipes are unlikely to help here, since our so far-away ancestors have not yet used toilet bowls, but modern experienced housewives can also advise something.

So, you can wash the bloom from the inner surface of the tank:

  • using oxalic acid - this substance acts according to the same principle as the Silith described above, so you can safely use it to remove any precipitated lime;
  • using an electrolyte - in fact, this liquid, which is poured into car batteries, is the same acid and, accordingly, will cope with the task as effectively;
  • vinegar and citric acid - comments are superfluous.
Citric acid - a time-tested tool


Using the above information, you can easily get rid of the unpleasant yellow bloom inside the toilet cistern. But during the operation of plumbing fixtures, other troubles can be encountered - water leaks, noise, clogged drain cistern valves and so on. All this, see the video in this article.