How to clean the toilet from the plaque - common options


The present, bona fide plumber master should shine. But not always, it turns out, to clear it in time - there was not enough time or this was inherited from previous owners, it does not matter, the problem exists and it needs to be solved.

In this case, we tried to answer the urgent question, as well as the main thing than to clean the toilet from the raid with our own hands.

Photos of the modern toilet.

What is the root cause of the appearance of plaque

To begin with, let's define what the root of the problem is. The nature of the plaque is not uniform, in other words there are several types of pollution, and they should be dealt with in different ways.

The most common is limescale. No one is immune from it.

Applying a tool under the bezel.

Lime deposits consist of salts and minerals in the water. And with each flushing, the microparticles are deposited on the surface. And in this case it is absolutely not important whether water is taken from the well or flushing is carried out with tap water, in any liquid a certain percentage of these substances are contained.

The question of how to clean the toilet from the black raid worries, as a rule, the owners of old plumbing. Black bloom, in fact, is a type of fungus that settles on a damaged, non-uniform surface. This affects the number of previous cleansing, and the abundance of microcracks increasing over time.

The results of the work.

The question of how to clean the toilet of yellow plaque, as a rule, arises in cases with poor-quality tap water. This plaque is caused by the sedimentation of rust on the microparticles, which is washed out of the old piping.

The problem than to clean the toilet seat from urinary plaque, can arise from two root causes. The first is when the urinary stone is precipitated due to the negligence of the owners, who do not want to wash it off once more. The second is characteristic of old plumbing, in which during flushing the flow does not cover the entire area of ​​the bowl.

Important: all these problems most often relate to old plumbing, the coating of which was initially not very smooth, plus over time there were still many scratches and microcracks. Therefore, if you want to radically solve the problem, then you should think about buying a new, high-quality plumbing.

Sometimes it happens.

Most popular tools

There are many options than to clean the toilet from plaque, it can be both popular, proven over the years, and new-fashioned compositions, presented in abundance on the modern market. In addition, you can use aggressive means, but this is extreme and this approach will require strict adherence to safety regulations.

Important: before you clear the plaque in the toilet, do not be superfluous to take care of reliable protection of hands, respiratory tract and eyes. This measure will be far from superfluous, since absolutely all existing means, if not used wisely, can cause significant harm to health.

Work brush.

Folk methods

The most affordable remedy is ordinary table vinegar, which is in every kitchen.

Quick results here are not worth waiting for, get ready for the fact that one session will last from 2 to 6 hours.

  • Before cleaning the toilet from vinegar, the water from the bowl should be completely pumped out and wiped dry.. After that, the vinegar is applied abundantly moistened with a tampon. In a few hours the raid will soften and it can be scraped off with a plastic scraper.

Tip: to enhance the effect, the vinegar can be preheated to 50? С and you can add some table soda to it, 1 tablespoon is needed per glass.

A set of folk remedies.
  • The so-called oxalic acid also cleans well all sorts of raids. In dry form, these are small transparent crystals, which should be sprinkled abundantly on all problem areas. You can also dilute it with water or alcohol.
  • The following is widely available and at the assurances of the owners a very effective tool is the usual citric acid. The instruction is standard, you need to sprinkle plenty of surface and leave it on all night, in the morning everything is cleaned with a brush. Note that a single session may not be enough.
Lemon acid.
  • Another popular tool is table soda. She as well as citric acid fall asleep on the surface at night and in the morning wash it off. Some housewives, for the sake of economy and to enhance the effect, add here a specialized cleaner.
  • It may sound strange, but a cola perfectly cleans any surface.. To do this, you need 2 - 3 liters of beverage filled in for the night.
Original use.

Aggressive Chemistry

  • The most relatively safe here is orthophosphoric acid having a concentration of 5 - 7%. In addition to processing the bowl itself, it can be added directly to the tank for cleaning rust from problem areas. It is necessary to pour 100g of the composition into the tank and wash it off after 15 minutes. The price of this tool is not great, so this recipe is popular.
Orthophosphoric acid.
  • A radical remedy that is capable of removing any layers in 15 minutes is hydrochloric acid at a concentration of 33%. After smearing the dry areas of the bowl, pour 1 cup of the solution inside and rinse off after 15 minutes. The tool is very aggressive and dangerous, so before you clear the plaque in the toilet with hydrochloric acid you need to take care of the protection of the eyes, respiratory tract and of course hands.
  • Car owners can use a battery electrolyte, which is nothing more than a solution of sulfuric acid. Here the instruction is the same as with hydrochloric acid.
Battery Electrolyte.
  • This also includes chlorine-containing compounds, among which the usual "Whiteness" is in the lead. The thing is, of course, effective, but you should not get involved in it, since chlorine is extremely harmful for the human body, especially for the reproductive system in women.


Many different powders are now being produced that can quickly and efficiently clean any bloom. But often their action is based on the use of abrasive microparticles, from which scratches remain on the surface.

As a result, the more often you use such powders, the more intense the plaque will settle on the surface. This is good for manufacturers, but not for your plumbing.

On the video in this article you can learn about the process of cleaning the toilet.


As a result, I would like to note that it is easier to prevent any problem than to fight heroically with its consequences. Fortunately, the modern market offers an abundance of preventive plumbing products.

It does not matter if it is a pill that needs to be thrown into a tank or cartridge mounted under the rim. In any case, it will save you from dirty and unpleasant work.

Cartridge for the prevention of plaque.