How to clean the toilet yourself using various methods
There are many ways to determine if homeowners like cleanliness, but the most important of them is the bathroom. It is here that the tendency to order and accuracy is fully manifested. Therefore, looking with one eye on the bowl of the toilet bowl, you can immediately understand who is in front of you - lovers of cleanliness or those who are lightheaded about this issue. Today we will understand how to clean the toilet with soda and vinegar, other folk remedies, as well as special cleaning agents, and what is better to use for this.
Why the bowl gets dirty
No matter how you wash the feces, the toilet after a while still becomes dirty. Consider what affects this process:
Urinary stone |
Water | Not as powerful as the previous one, but still a polluter. This happens because of its quality, which, alas, today leaves much to be desired. In particular, we are talking about lime, which is deposited on the ceramic surface after each flushing and depends on the hardness of the water. |
Metal elements of the tank | The condition of the metal elements in the cistern and the pipes through which water flows to them also affects the contamination of the toilet bowl. You can notice this on a brown patina that appears in places where rusty water is leaking due to loose fitting cuffs and poor quality rebar material. |
We start to deal with pollution
As usual - “the disease is better treated at the stage of symptoms, and not when they appear in full force.” In our case, this also corresponds - to wait until there is a large layer of sediment on the walls, it should not be, it is necessary to get rid of the pollution immediately.
So, what better to clean the toilet? To do this, there are special professional products on sale that in a short period will help to remove them from the toilet bowl, and the price of which is quite acceptable. In addition, you can use and folk remedies, in particular soda and vinegar.
What do we have to do:
- Get to the bathroom the most common "brush"- This is a convenient brush for cleaning the toilet.
- Buy an inexpensive cleaner.
- It is necessary to use them in such a sequence - first pour out the liquid, let it stand for a bit, and then wipe it all thoroughly with a brush..
- Use them together regularly to always have a great result.. About once every 7 days for water with normal hardness, 2-3 times - with increased.
Tip: use caution and follow the instructions on the packaging of the cleaning agent. It does not matter - it is for professional needs or domestic.
We remove the urinary stone and limescale
Do not rush to immediately get down to business, perhaps your efforts will be in vain for this particular toilet bowl, which you have long wanted to replace. It is better to go and buy a new one, than to spend time and money on the old and outdated sanitary element.
Another thing is when you are not going to change the toilet, but its appearance depresses you greatly. In this case, there are two ways to solve the problem:
It is used when other methods have not brought any small result. In this case, the electrolyte for batteries will help you - one of the easiest ways to make the toilet bowl clean white again. So you will be able to remove any formations that could accumulate over the years on ceramics effectively and in a short time.
Tip: the method cannot be considered universal, as it cannot be used for apartments with plastic pipes (they will become unusable), and also ensure that the electrolyte does not fall on other objects besides the toilet, otherwise they will also deteriorate.
In this case, we use effective methods of cleaning the toilet bowl with the help of available tools that almost everyone has in the house:
- Vinegar 9% - heat 200-250 g to 40? С and pour it into the toilet. After a few hours, much of the lime and stone deposits will disappear. Strengthen the effectiveness of vinegar will help a little salt or iodine;
Tip: work better in the evening so that nobody uses the toilet until the morning. If you don't like the result, repeat it again.
- citric acid is a worthy alternative to vinegar. Get two bags and pour them into the toilet. After 2 hours, you can already see the first results;
- "White" or "bleach solution" - it has not only a super-disinfecting property, but it can also clean the toilet. To do this, first remove water from it, and then pour the solution with your own hands.
Do not forget about household chemicals, which has an enhanced effect for solving such problems. Instructions for its use are always on the package.
Tip: do not neglect the safety precautions when using benign tools. We recommend using rubber gloves and goggles, and close the airways (mouth and nose) with bandages.
A bathroom in any apartment or house must always be kept clean, this applies not only to the appearance, but also to the "internal", namely the toilet bowl. To prevent the formation of contaminants, it is necessary to repair all fittings, as well as regularly use a toilet brush and cleaning products.
If, however, a rash of urinary stone and lime still occurred, you can use synthetic or folk remedies to remove them. The video in this article will provide an opportunity to find additional information on the above topic.