Sealant for sewer pipes - characteristics and application


The tightness of sewage drains no one doubts. Because of this, you can not worry about the cleanliness of their homes. In this article we will look at the materials that will help to achieve this, and in particular how sealant is used for PVC sewer pipes, which are used to replace cast iron.

In the photo - silicone sealant in tubes for sewage joints


The tightness of the sewer system means the absence of any leaks that may arise as a result of a violation of joints. It should also be said that for each type of material there is a certain type of sealant. In this article we will consider not only how to seal the sewer pipe, but also the process itself.

Tip: special attention should be paid to underground sewer systems.

The next moment is the protection of the sewage pipeline itself from the entry of various liquids into it, which can disrupt its stable operation. You have to understand that if you do not seal or it is wrong, it can be the main reason for reworking the finished system.

Sealant pipe sealer ready to use

Sealing tape

Pipe joints can be protected with special anti-corrosion sealing tapes.

In addition, they are used for such elements as plumbing:

  • coupling connections;
  • elbows;
  • tie-ins.
Special tape for sealing fun pipes


  1. For its manufacture used bitumen-rubber base.
  2. In addition, the composition contains a thin copper or aluminum layer and, removed during installation, a protective film.
  3. It does not cause any difficulties in the work, as it is self-adhesive.
  4. It is applied to any materials.
  5. It has durability and high strength.
  6. To work you need only a knife.

Application features

The sealing process begins with cleaning the surfaces of the pipe joints from deposits, dirt and dust. Then they should be degreased and primed.

The tape is wound with its own hands on the place of the joint spirally, not forgetting to overlap between the layers. As a result, the insulated surface will be covered with two layers. Docking should be done after winding.

Caulking a cast iron socket with cement

Silicone sealant

These compounds are made of silicone rubber and are acidic and neutral. The former do not apply on surfaces that are not resistant to the action of acid, the latter are used for any material, but their price is higher.

Tip: Silicone is a highly adhesive material, so it can be applied to PVC pipes, cast iron and ceramics.

Putting silicone sealant on the bell

For applying the material to the surface using a special syringe, but before that it should be cleaned of rust and debris to get the maximum effect. Otherwise, the material will simply not stick to the base.

After it hardens, you will receive a rubber waterproof layer that will not allow any liquid to flow through the junction. Such compounds are renowned for their reliability and long service life.

Bituminous mastic for sealing sewer joints

Additional materials

In addition to the above - silicone and tape and other materials are used, which can also ensure the reliability of the sewer system joints. Below we consider them in more detail:

Melted bitumen Working with it (also called bitumen mastic) is not difficult:
  1. Use the composition for socket connections of ceramic and cast iron products.
  2. Pre-casting sites cleaned of layers and dried.
  3. The liquid composition is poured directly into the connecting sockets.

Of the shortcomings of the material, it is necessary to note the specific smell, which is able to stay for several days. Therefore, it is not recommended to use for sewer systems in the apartment.

Cement based sealant Consider two options:
  1. Take cement M300 or higher.
  2.  Connect it with water 9: 1.
  3. Insert a resin rope into the socket and tamp it down.
  4. Pour the prepared solution over it.

To work, you will need expanding, water resistant cement consisting of gypsum, alumina cement and calcium hydroaluminate. It usually freezes within 5-10 minutes depending on the ambient temperature, so the process should be carried out at a high pace.

Connect the RVC with water in the ratio of 2.5: 1. Use for sealing cast iron joints

Asbestos cement solution The composition is prepared from asbestos and cement M400 (and above) in a ratio of 1: 2. After that, they fill the bell-shaped connections.
Sealing sewer pipes in the traditional way

Finally, we can remind you of how to seal sewer pipes even if you don’t have the above materials on hand. Although the method is used quite rarely, it gives excellent results. It's about using paint.

The process instruction is simple:

  1. Clean the socket from dirt and dry it.
  2. Hammer it in with pieces of cloth.
  3. Pour paint into it.
  4. Carefully tamp the contents with a curved wire or screwdriver.
  5. Wait until everything hardens.

Tip: for work, use polyurethane, acrylic or epoxy paint because of their high water resistance. Sealing the joints using this method can be carried out on any type of sewer pipes.


This article has reviewed the most commonly used types of sealants for working with sewer systems. Decision on the use of some of them should be made depending on the pipeline material and the location of the drainage system. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.