Sewage maintenance - we analyze the basic principles
Any communal highway needs care, because only in this case can we guarantee its long service life. Therefore, sewage maintenance is an urgent task for all residents of the private sector. We will tell you about all the specifics of this procedure below.

Practical recommendations
Maintenance of water supply and sewage systems is a very complex process, which carries a lot of pitfalls. Therefore, in order to avoid any difficulties, we will provide some very useful information.
Causes of clogging
Surely, many people think about it, and why their highway sometimes clogs up if the work of all the bodies is in order. Therefore, our instruction will tell about them.
There can actually be three reasons:
- Deposits in drainage and discharge pipes. These residues narrow the cross section, which greatly reduces throughput. Signs of such a problem appear: water slowly goes away, pipes crack, gurgling appears.

Tip: from time to time check the system to prevent such formations.
- Another reason is the rise of groundwater.. The fact is that with such an action thawed waters get into the line, as a result, the level of the system rises. As a result of reducing the rate of passage of water, many different sediments accumulate in the pipeline, which contribute to the destruction of communications.
- Calculation errors or mechanical failures..
In order to avoid such problems, sewer network maintenance should be carried out on a regular basis. In particular, the most effective method of protection is flushing.
Cleaning methods
There are several methods of cleaning that will allow you to not worry about the work of the highway. All of them can be implemented with your own hands, if you stock up on the necessary equipment.
So, there are three options:

- Hydraulic - flushing the sewer system with a strong pressure of water. This technique allows you to effectively get rid of all sorts of deposits. Used mainly in enterprises.
- Chemical - the use of special detergents that dissolve any education. Ideal for use in the private sector, because the price of such a procedure is not high.
- Mechanical - cleaning, using various projectiles (balls, discs, cylinders, etc.). This method is used in cases of severe clogging, when previous methods fail.
Note! If you have plastic pipes, then pay special attention to the choice of means, because some of them may corrode PVC.
If the listed techniques have not given due result, it means, it is necessary to make emergency cleaning, having addressed in the relevant services. Specialists with the help of professional equipment will solve any problems.

Care for storm sewers
Now let's talk about the maintenance of storm sewers. Such a system provides for the collection and removal of water from the site. She also needs care.
Over time, the capacity of such a system may deteriorate. As a result, water will accumulate at the site, which carries a serious amount of discomfort (even flooding). Therefore, if you find any problems, you need to instantly diagnose.
In general, repair consists of the following aspects:
- In most cases, such constructions consist of metal pipes with a diameter of 100 mm. They also put sewer trap, which has a trigger valve. This means that such a system is seriously susceptible to corrosion.

- A practical method of repair is to replace pipes with plastic ones (they must also have the same diameter so that adapters are not needed). Steel should be left only the bolt, because it will be a serious mechanical load. As a result, the construction will last about 50 years.
- You should also replace the drain. It is better to use galvanized steel for it. This will give this element a very long (almost unlimited) service life, because it is on the surface.
Such maintenance of sewer systems carries only one major drawback - the water, falling into the drain, freezes. As a result, it will eventually become clogged with icicles. Such a problem is solved by the organization of heating.
Obviously, such a procedure, if not mandatory, is very useful. This can be done by laying a special heating cable. You can install it either inside the drain itself, or outside, pasting with heat insulating material.

It is best to use a self-regulating cable.
We note its main advantages:
- High efficiency.
- Easy installation.
- Practicality. So, if the air temperature rises, it will automatically reduce the power of its work.
- Efficiency. It follows from the previous plus - reducing power, when necessary, will significantly reduce energy costs.
- No need to install a thermostat.
So it is time to complete our story, but if you are not clear any nuances, then do not worry. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic. His study will allow to understand all the intricacies.