The smell of the sink in the kitchen - why it arises and how


Even the most clean and tidy hostess is not immune from the appearance of an unpleasant smell from the sink. There may be several reasons for this trouble; accordingly, there are different ways how to remove the unpleasant smell.

Below we consider in detail how to get rid of this problem in each case.

Sink in the kitchen can be a source of unpleasant odor in the room

Causes of smell

To decide what to do with the smell of the sink in the kitchen, first of all it is necessary to determine the reason for its appearance.

For this you need to inspect the following elements of the sanitary device:

  • Siphon;
  • Drain pipe and sewers.
  • The space between the sink and the wall.

In some cases, a source of unpleasant odor is a rolled up wet washcloth between the wall and the sink or a floor cloth left under the sink. If you are convinced that the cause of this trouble is evaporation from the drain hole, you can proceed to its elimination.

On the photo - cleaning siphon from garbage

Siphon problems


In most cases, the sink in the kitchen smells as a result of trash accumulating in the siphon. The fact is that during the operation of this sanitary device, fat, hair, human skin particles, food debris, etc. settle on the walls of the siphon and drain pipe. Over time, this sediment begins to rot.

This problem can be solved only by disassembling and cleaning the siphon.

If the design is bottle-type, this operation is performed as follows:

  • First of all, you need to unscrew the bottom cover of the siphon and pull out all the accumulated garbage with your own hands.
  • After that, the cover must be installed in place.
  • Then the drain system should be washed with boiling water or hot water, pouring a few boiling pots into the sink. You can add a small amount of dishwashing detergent to the water.

If a flexible corrugated pipe is used as a siphon, then it should be disconnected from the sewage system and the sink, and then washed well.

Sometimes it is very difficult to dismantle the siphon, for example, if an old cast-iron knee is installed under the sink. In this case, the use of chemicals to clean the sewer pipes will help solve the problem.

Means for cleaning pipes from sewage - Mr. Muskul

These drugs include:

  • Tireth;
  • Mole;
  • Mr Muscle and others

Note! Sewerage cleaner must be suitable for the type of pipe for which it will be used. Otherwise, damage to the system may occur.

The price of these drugs is about the same as the effectiveness, so you can use any of them. To do this, the tool must be poured into the siphon through the drain hole and leave the sink in this form for several hours. After this, the drain must be washed with boiling water, as in the previous case.

The correct location of the drain pipe in the bottle-type siphon

No water seal

The main purpose of the siphon is to provide a water seal. The water lock prevents the ingress of evaporation from the sewage system into the apartment through the drain hole of plumbing fixtures. Therefore, it is possible that the kitchen from the sink smells like sewage due to the lack of this same water trap.

Most often, the lack of a water seal is associated with improper installation of the siphon. Depending on the type of its design, the problem is solved in different ways:

Bottle type siphon It is necessary to adjust the location of the drain pipe so that it is two to three centimeters below the water level. Otherwise, evaporation will take place above the water lock.
Corrugated Perhaps, for some reason, the drain pipe was straightened or was initially installed incorrectly. In this case, it simply needs to be given the necessary shape to ensure the formation of a normal hydraulic seal and be fixed in this position with special clips.
Hydraulic lock in pipe type siphon

Often the water seal is missing due to its vacuum breakdown. In this case, gurgling is periodically heard from the plumbing fixture.

There are two ways to eliminate this malfunction of the sewer system:

  • Clean the sewer pipe that provides ventilation of the sewer system. In high-rise buildings, this operation should be handled by specialists. In your home, you can clean the ventilation yourself.
  • If the cleaning of the ventilation does not correct the situation, or there is no fan pipe at all, then a vacuum valve should be installed near the sanitary device, which normalizes the pressure in the sewer system and thereby prevents the water lock from disrupting.
Vacuum valve for sewage

Depressurization system drain

If there was an unpleasant smell under the sink in the kitchen, then the problem lies in the depressurization of pipe joints or the appearance of cracks in them. To find a problem area, you need to open the water and carefully examine all the pipes and joints.

If a gap appears at the junction of the pipes, then the leak can be eliminated by replacing the sealant or using silicone sealant. If there is a crack in some pipe, then it must be replaced.

Tip! Before removing a malfunction, you need to make sure that the leak is present in only one place. It is possible that there are several problem areas.

It must be said that in the case of a drain drain, the waste water can be absorbed into the floor covering, with the result that the smell remains even after the problem has been fixed. Therefore, to completely get rid of it may require replacing the floor covering.

Here, perhaps, is the whole instruction for ridding the sink of unpleasant smell.


The appearance of an unpleasant odor in plumbing fixtures, including in the kitchen sink, is a fairly common problem. However, as we found out, there are not so many reasons for this phenomenon and, in most cases, every home craftsman can eliminate them.

Additional information on the voiced topic can be obtained from the video in this article.