Air intake valve - breathe deeply


The best, as they say, is the enemy of the good. Having cut off the personal space from hermetic windows and doors from street noise, dust and bad weather, the person deprived himself of fresh air. Periodic airing improves the indoor climate only temporarily. The wall valve of forced ventilation will help to solve the problem.

It improves air quality by providing a constant supply of oxygen and providing optimum humidity. At the same time, sound insulation remains at a high level.

Without ventilation valve can not do in any home

When the apartment is uncomfortable

Among the other epithets, one can add “motionless” to the atmosphere of a modern apartment. Hermetic doors and reliable double-glazed windows reliably protect the inhabitants from both worldly vanity and fresh air. If in summer the frames can be in the mode of airing for days, then in bad weather it is difficult to do (see also the article How the ventilation of a boiler house of a private house is equipped).

Unexpected chills in a warm room, damp linen in the closet, the smell of stuffiness, deceitful black dots on the wallpaper, weeping windows; irritation and causeless headache, fatigue. Do you know this picture? The cause is often sought anywhere, when it is near - air circulation. Rather, its absence.

The unpleasant effects of stagnant air

Increasing the level of carbon dioxide in a closed space leads to acidification of the blood - acidosis. In the absence of domestic standards, refer to the foreign study of Middlex University. For example, the level of CO2 in the office should not exceed 600-800 ppm (ppm).

The effect of CO2 on the human condition

Comparing this level in an unventilated room in the morning (1932 ppm), and in the evening with a working ventilation (583 ppm), the conclusion suggests itself - the ventilation inlet valve is necessary as air!

Ventilation in every house

Ventilation valves are divided into two types - window and wall.

Having one purpose, they have differences:

  • in size;
  • bandwidth;
  • filters;
  • air flow control;
  • installation;
  • principle of action.

Ventilation in the window

Window valves are tripled simply and are mounted in a PVC window profile, without reducing its noise absorbing characteristics. The devices have no filters, but outside they are protected by a mosquito net and a visor from precipitation.

Valves in the upper part of the valves are almost invisible.

The work of the ventilators is based on the principle of pressure difference in the street and at home and provides a constant supply of fresh air. The regulation of the system takes place with the help of a handle, which allows to completely block the access of air.

With all the advantages of window valves - low cost, possibility of replacement, compactness, hidden installation, there is only one drawback. Installation, even professional, of a device into a frame is associated with a violation of the tightness of the glass unit and its anti-corrosion coating (with the exception of slot-type valves). There is a need for additional protective measures for the window.

Even on a psychological level, not everyone will venture on such a modernization. Of course, double-glazed windows with built-in valves are produced, which is reflected in the cost.

Double-glazed window with a ventilation valve in the section

If updating your windows is still under discussion, it's time to take into account this important point and make a wish list. If windows are already in place for a long time, you can try the fan option on the wall.

Note! The performance of the wall valve is much higher than the window. For large rooms with few windows, the placement of ventilation in the wall may be the only way out.

Wall fan features

The ventilating wall inlet valve is more complicated than a window one and represents the following design:

  • a tube passing through the wall and protruding from it on both sides - here the air flow drops speed and warms up;
  • ventilation grate outside, holding street garbage;
  • soundproofing composition inside the pipe;
  • a sealing ring with a damper on the side of the room, blocking the air supply in case of gusts of wind;
  • fine filter;
  • cover with air control knob.
In general, wall valves look like this.

Hygroregulation of the wall valve is based on the change in the flow area based on the humidity level in the room.

Airflow will be subject to:

  • mechanical exhaust;
  • natural;
  • air circulation between the rooms - a 1.5 cm undercut of the door, overflow grilles in the door or wall.

Ventilation can be carried out continuously dosed with the windows closed, without cooling the room, delivering about 30m3/ h This complies with hygienic standards and creates comfortable conditions for human life.

Regulation of volumes of the arriving air by means of the handle

Wall inlet valve has the following advantages:

  • installation at any stage of repair or in a premise already delivered;
  • universal design;
  • tangible comfort from the first minutes of work.

Where and how to install the vent valve

You can install the wall inlet valve with your own hands in the wall of any material. It is advisable to place it near the window at a height of 2 m from the floor or behind a radiator.

Near the curtains the fan is almost invisible.

Air passing through the battery section will warm up well. The curtains will hide the fan, and cleaning the grill outside from the window will be convenient. 1–2 times a year, the system must be thoroughly cleaned.

Tools and materials

Installation will require a minimum of tools:

  1. Punch / drill with a diamond crown 132 mm, so that the hole was slightly more than the diameter of the sleeve. Professionals use special equipment with a comfortable stop, which ensures that the channel will be perpendicular to the wall. But the price of such a device is quite high.
A set of diamond crowns
  1. Polyurethane foam.
  2. Plaster.
  3. Ruler, pencil.

Installation of the ventilation system

During the installation process, there is only one difficult moment - diamond drilling.

Experiencing difficulties in this matter, you can use the services of specialists.

  1. Determine the location of the valve and mark with a pencil a hole for the sleeve and the attachment points for the bolts.
  2. A hole is being drilled. Make a slope of 1 ° to prevent condensation. The slide should be towards the street.
The photo shows the installation of diamond drilling.
  1. Insert the pipe into the finished hole and cut off the excess.
  2. Insert, as prescribed by the instructions, outside the grille, and from the inside a functional head (cover). The process takes place with little effort.
This is how the external grille is attached.
  1. Reinstall the head with the bolts supplied.
  2. Seal the gaps between the sleeve and the wall.
  3. Plaster the required area.

Note! To select the desired liner (pipe) size, the wall thickness must be rounded upward to a “round” figure. For example, if the wall thickness = 56 cm, then the length of the sleeve = 600 mm. For guarantee, you can select the inlet valve with a sleeve length of 1000 mm. Excess sweat will be cut off.


Only with air intake can its benefits be fully appreciated. Updated air will give you a healthy sleep, well-being, increased tone (see also the article Automatic control of ventilation in the room).

Your home will also be healthy. Moisture and unpleasant smells will leave it, and the next repair will be removed indefinitely.

If you want to install a wall ventilation valve yourself, the work of professionals on the video in this article will help you.