Do-it-yourself house ventilation: types and design features


Ventilation of a private house with your own hands is a necessary measure for the normal operation of an object as a living or business area. Proper gas exchange is important not only for residents of the house, but also for the normal operation of all structures that make up the structure. We will tell you how to make ventilation in the house with your own hands.

The ventilation device in a private house with their own hands directly affects the comfort in the rooms.

Ventilation system

Purpose and features

Ventilation in the house with his own hands: a scheme with heat recovery.

It would seem that the purpose of ventilation is understandable even to a child: providing the necessary gas exchange in the room for a comfortable stay of people, food storage and an optimal microclimate. The previous periods and the construction technologies peculiar to them convinced us that it is quite enough to have an exhaust shaft, and the rest is solved by an open vent.

However, in our time, such a scheme was unable to provide the necessary indicators of air exchange. This is due to the fact that earlier building structures were somewhat different: wooden windows and doors, non-insulated building envelopes and natural materials had a rather leaky structure and provided a natural inflow of fresh air due to infiltration through cracks and "breathing" materials.

Inflow of fresh air occurs through the cracks in the windows and other structures.

Note! With the advent of plastic frames and double-glazed windows, armored doors and thermal insulation systems, vapor barrier and windscreen, natural air flow was called into question. This has led to the need to organize forced ventilation systems.

For a small apartment, natural ventilation may also be sufficient, provided that special valves are provided for air flow. They can be located in the window frames of some manufacturers of glass, and can be made in the walls of the house. In the case of a private house, it is better to use a supply and exhaust system with forced air movement.

Inflow and exhaust carried out by the work of the fans.

Ventilation in a country house with their own hands - an important and necessary condition for the normal operation of the room.

The absence of such leads to the following consequences:

  • As a result of human breathing, the use of heated water for washing and washing, cooking, drying clothes, etc. humidity increases in the room. If moist air is not changed to fresh and dry in a timely manner, stuffiness, condensation on windows and other cool surfaces, growth of fungal organisms and pathogenic bacteria will be observed;
  • A decrease in the level of oxygen concentration in the air will lead to a decrease in performance, dizziness and a general deterioration in the well-being of the household;
  • Dust will accumulate in the house, which also increases the risk of pathogenic flora and fungal growths;
  • Soot and gas combustion products in the kitchen will settle on the surfaces of walls, ceiling and furniture, leaving a greasy deposit on them;
  • Building structures will absorb excess moisture, leading to premature deterioration as a result of corrosion, mold damage and bacteria.
Condensation and mold - the eternal satellites of poor ventilation.

Note! Proper ventilation of a private house with your own hands is necessary not only as a condition of comfort, but as a necessary condition for the normal use of the premises and the life of its inhabitants.


Element of natural aeration of the basement.

The scheme of ventilation in a private house with their own hands can be organized in various ways. Ideally, it is selected based on the results of the calculations, but modern solutions are increasingly inclined towards automated supply and exhaust systems.

There are three types of ventilation systems:

  1. Natural. Divided into organized and unorganized. The first consists of supply and exhaust holes, with the exhaust holes being drawn as high as possible using a ventilation pipe, and the supply holes are located at the bottom, which ensures the difference in gravitational pressure and creates cravings; unorganized ventilation is carried out by infiltration and ventilation;
  2. Forced (mechanical). Here the inflow and exhaust are carried out by the forces of the fans, the power and performance of which is selected taking into account the characteristics of the room. There are local and general exchange, they can have manual, remote or automatic control, most often - combined;
  3. Combined. As a rule, compulsory exhaust or supply is added to the existing natural system, which is included in the moments of heavy smoke or during the drying of linen.
Ventilation in a country house with their own hands can be organized in various ways.

If the natural and combined systems do not cause any special questions, the compulsory ones are characterized by increased complexity. This is due to the fact that these solutions have undergone the greatest evolution and are the result of the use of new technologies and ideas.

Mechanical ventilation in your house with your own hands can have ductless and channelless execution. In the first case, the air masses move through the duct system and the shafts to the feed and exhaust points; in the second case, the role of the ducts is performed by the underground or interceiling space.

The photo shows channelless ventilation system.

Channelless systems are considered the most promising and comfortable, but today they are, in a sense, know-how, which is why they are used quite rarely in our country. Channel ventilation systems allow you to create complex branched networks with a point supply and air intake, which are controlled by means of automation and can operate in different modes depending on the conditions of the surrounding room.

A typical scheme of a complete set of duct ventilation systems.

Note! Channel ventilation systems make it possible to most effectively organize air filtration systems, heat recovery, heating or cooling masses, automatic closing or opening of channels, protection from fires, smoke and other accidents.

In addition to the general system, local assemblies can be installed separately: ventilation of the sewage system in a private house with their own hands, aeration of the basement, ventilation of the underground or attic premises, etc.

Design and installation

Conveniently position the air ducts in the attic.

Calculation of ventilation can be made on the basis of a simplified scheme or by calculating the performance (exchange rate). The multiplicity of exchange is the ratio of incoming air to the volume of a room per unit of time.

It is considered to be a multiplicity in 60 minutes, for example, a multiplicity of 0.5 means that within an hour the volume of fresh air received was half the volume of the room, and a multiplicity equal to one means a complete change of air in an hour.

Performance for different rooms is set different. According to SNiP - “Residential buildings”, Appendix 4, it is selected using the table:

Type of room Average air temperature in a cool season, ° С Air change rate or exhaust intensity, m3/ h
Influx Exhaust hood
Bedroom or living room 18 (20) - 3m3/ h per meter of living space
Wardrobe dryer for clothes - - 30 m3/ h
Bathroom 25 - 25 m3/ h
Individual toilet 18 - 25 m3/ h
WC combined with bathroom 25 - 50 m3/ h
General washroom 18 - 0.5
Shared shower 25 - five
Shared toilet sixteen - 50 m3/ h per 1 toilet and / or 25 m3/ h per urinal
Room for ironing and cleaning clothes 18 - 1.5

After the air exchange rate is determined, the air consumption is easily determined by the formula:

L = V * n, where:

  • L is the desired flow rate
  • V is the volume of the room
  • n is the multiplicity of exchange.

Next, determine the speed of air movement. For natural systems, it is 1 - 2 m / s, for mechanical - no more than 3 - 4 m / s. Knowing the amount of air flow and the speed of its movement, you can determine the value of the cross section of the duct using the chart:

The diagram for determining the areas of sections of ventilation ducts.

The instruction is simple:

  1. We determine the total air consumption of the entire system and round it up. Then we postpone the value obtained on the vertical axis;
  2. After this, we set off on the horizontal axis the value of the velocity of the flow;
  3. From a point on the horizontal axis, which corresponds to speed, we descend down a straight vertical line to the intersection with a line drawn horizontally from a point on the x-axis corresponding to the flow rate;
  4. From the obtained intersection point, we go down to the nearest bottom line in the diagram and determine the dimensions of the duct section or its diameter.

Note! In the absence of experience and skills of such calculations, it is better to entrust the design and installation of complex branched ventilation to professionals. The price of the work of builders will be lower than the cost of alterations and equipment replacement.

Based on the data obtained, the duct system is laid and fans are connected.

Next is the selection of equipment based on the calculated data on the performance and size of channels. Air inlet diffusers are located in the lower part of the wall (if possible), and exhaust in the most polluted areas (toilets, bathrooms, kitchens) under the ceiling.


The ventilation system is a necessary solution for the normal operation of a modern home. The choice of one or another variety depends on the features of the structure, but most often use mechanical supply and exhaust circuits. The video in this article will help you better understand the issue.