Repair of ventilation: some features and recommendations of
Ventilation systems in their design are quite practical and reliable, due to the simplicity of their manufacture and affects the long term of their operation. However, some such products are equipped with moving parts or power units, which may occasionally break or need to be prevented. That is why the instructions for the repair of a particular type of design is always attached to the final product.
![Amateur photo, air conditioning repair process, which is also a type of ventilation Amateur photo, air conditioning repair process, which is also a type of ventilation](../uploads/img/lyubitelskoe-foto-protsessa-remonta-konditsionera-kotoryy-takzhe-yavlyaetsya-raznovidnostyu-ventilya.jpg)
Power units
To begin with, it must be said that this article will consider a full-fledged climate system. The fact is that it has a lot of additional elements and is therefore ideal as an example. However, such parts of the system as a mixing unit for ventilation will not be considered, since if they are damaged, it is enough to simply replace or solder to seal.
![The design of an extensive system of moving air masses, representations in the form of separate blocks interconnected The design of an extensive system of moving air masses, representations in the form of separate blocks interconnected](../uploads/img/konstruktsiya-razvetvlennoy-sistemy-peremescheniya-vozdushnyh-mass-predstavleniya-v-vide-otdelnyh-bl.jpg)
Installed forced air supply
- These items are usually created as separate units.. In fact, they represent a large fan with a different shape and type of blades. That is why the damage is determined only if the electric drive for ventilation stopped working or the impeller was damaged.
![Some power units are quite large and most often located in very uncomfortable places. Some power units are quite large and most often located in very uncomfortable places.](../uploads/img/nekotorye-silovye-agregaty-dovolno-bolshie-i-chasche-vsego-raspolagayutsya-v-ochen-neudobnyh-mestah-405x450.jpg)
- Engine repair in a node usually consists in rewinding it or replacing damaged parts of the chain.. If such an operation has a cost higher than a new device, then it is worth making a complete change of equipment. It should be noted that in special shops various components for ventilation are sold, which usually have both new fans and separate impellers.
- Industrial systems of this type may use completely different power units.. Usually these are special ventilation turbines or structures in the form of snails. Some of them have removable engines, which greatly simplifies repairs, while solid structures are almost always replaced.
Tip! Sometimes there are problems with electrical circuits, which are solved by standard operations peculiar to the type of failure.
![Installing a new fan for the forced air supply unit Installing a new fan for the forced air supply unit](../uploads/img/ustanovka-novogo-ventilyatora-dlya-bloka-prinuditelnoy-podachi-vozduha.jpg)
Quite often in large ventilation systems, parallel work with water heaters or heaters is organized. It is worth noting that this greatly increases the price of work and equipment, but the final product can perform functions to maintain a certain temperature and even become a source of hot water. In fact, they are complete structures for climate control of the entire building.
![The simplest heat exchanger, which is often used in similar designs The simplest heat exchanger, which is often used in similar designs](../uploads/img/prosteyshiy-teploobmennik-kotoryy-chasto-ispolzuetsya-v-podobnyh-konstruktsiyah.jpg)
Such products have a special controller for ventilation, which is responsible for the volume of air mass transported and heating. At the same time, it is worthwhile to say that if it is damaged or fails, it is necessary to use the services of specialists or perform a full replacement.
The fact is that modern units of this type are usually complex electrical devices, some of them are even covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
![Duct air heater, which is recently used quite often Duct air heater, which is recently used quite often](../uploads/img/kanalnyy-nagrevatel-vozduha-kotoryy-v-poslednee-vremya-ispolzuetsya-dovolno-chasto.jpg)
Repair of the heater is made depending on its design. In this case, usually in such systems the heating element most often fails. In some devices, the replacement of this part can be done by hand, although sometimes for such work it is better to invite experts.
Tip! In fact, this site is an electric boiler or a separate manifold gas system. Therefore, their repair is made in accordance with the relevant documentation for such units.
![Sometimes the simplest cleaning of all system blocks can solve a problem much faster than searching for it. Sometimes the simplest cleaning of all system blocks can solve a problem much faster than searching for it.](../uploads/img/poroy-prosteyshaya-ochistka-vseh-blokov-sistemy-mozhet-reshit-problemu-namnogo-bystree-chem-ee-poisk.jpg)
Branched system
Quite often there are such cases when the power units continue to work or are completely absent, and during the operation of ventilation problems are found. Then it is necessary to inspect the entire line and examine the entire ventilation flange for troubleshooting. It is worth noting that this may require special equipment.
![Sometimes, to solve problems with sealing, it is sufficient to simply wrap the entire line with special adhesive tape, which will also serve as insulation, which is very important if a heater is used in the work. Sometimes, to solve problems with sealing, it is sufficient to simply wrap the entire line with special adhesive tape, which will also serve as insulation, which is very important if a heater is used in the work.](../uploads/img/poroy-dlya-resheniya-problem-s-germetizatsiey-dostatochno-prosto-obmotat-vsyu-magistral-spetsialnoy-405x401.jpg)
- First of all, it should be said that it is necessary to start work only after cleaning and disinfection has been performed. Otherwise, you can get infection from fungi or mold, which often develop in highways.
![Special tape that can be used to block places with cracks or uneven joints Special tape that can be used to block places with cracks or uneven joints](../uploads/img/spetsialnaya-lenta-kotoraya-mozhet-byt-ispolzovana-dlya-perekrytiya-mest-s-treschinami-ili-nerovnymi.jpg)
- Special attention is given to the ventilation hatch. All products of this type should be checked for tightness and, if necessary, replace the sealing gum.
- Next, perform an external examination and when detecting cracks or cracks perform their removal by soldering. In some cases, a specific section will need to be replaced.
- If during the inspection it was found that the ventilation bracket was damaged, then the issue of its repair does not even arise. Such a part is much easier to replace, having received a kind of quality guarantee and extending the life of the structure as a whole.
Tip! In the presence of special equipment, inspection of the entire highway is carried out from the inside. It is more efficient and allows you to detect even the smallest damage.
![The simplest plate on the exit from the system, made in the form of a fixed blinds The simplest plate on the exit from the system, made in the form of a fixed blinds](../uploads/img/prosteyshaya-nakladka-na-vyhod-iz-sistemy-sdelannaya-v-vide-nepodvizhnoy-zhalyuzi-405x400.jpg)
Individual items
If the system uses movable ventilation louvers, they require special attention. The fact is that, over time, such elements become very clogged and, as a result, cease to function. Therefore, it is usually sufficient to clean the defect.
![The grid with moving elements allows you to control the force and direction of air masses The grid with moving elements allows you to control the force and direction of air masses](../uploads/img/reshetka-s-podvizhnymi-elementami-pozvolyaet-kontrolirovat-silu-i-napravleniya-vozdushnyh-mass.jpg)
During operation, the grid for ventilation is usually clogged. It is worth noting that the removal of fatty deposits with you of this element is associated with a number of difficulties. Given this, many manufacturers of such equipment create meshes as interchangeable elements with a certain service life.
Separate attention deserves a drip tray for ventilation. This unit is designed to collect moisture in the system and needs periodic maintenance, in the form of valve opening for its removal. Breakage can be called clogging of the discharge channel, which must be cleaned.
Tip! Proper operation and periodic maintenance is the key to long-term operation of the entire system.
![Sometimes it is necessary to have special equipment to detect breakdowns and at the same time be able to handle it. Sometimes it is necessary to have special equipment to detect breakdowns and at the same time be able to handle it.](../uploads/img/poroy-dlya-vyyavleniya-polomki-neobhodimo-imet-spetsialnoe-oborudovanie-i-pri-etom-umet-s-nim-obrasc-405x450.jpg)
Having studied the video in more detail in this article, you can get additional data on similar types of work and some of its features. Also, taking into account the article cited above, it is necessary to conclude that sometimes elementary cleaning can replace complex repairs, often accompanied by the replacement of elements.