The principle of operation of ventilation: the main points
In order for the air inside the building to be of high quality, it must be clean and have normal humidity. Because the atmosphere in our homes is polluted to some extent, it should be constantly updated, replacing the supply with fresh one.
There are two basic principles by which air circulates inside buildings - natural and forced.
How natural ventilation works
- The principle of operation of natural ventilation is enclosed in natural air exchange, which is created as a result of the pressure difference between indoor and outdoor.
- When the outdoor temperature is below its value in the building, the heated air is forced out through the ventilation ducts. To replace him through the vents or intake valves are fresh air flow. In the rooms it warms up and flows out again.
- With the arrival of summer, the temperature of the outdoor air becomes higher than the internal one, therefore the efficiency of natural ventilation decreases.
- As a result, tenants have to create drafts by ventilating rooms — opening windows and doors.
System arrangement
In order to observe the principle of natural ventilation in a building, it must create certain conditions.
- When designing a system, provide exhaust ducts.. They must be equipped in those rooms in which polluted, hot, over-humidified air (toilet, bathroom, laundry, bath, kitchen) accumulates.
- These ducts must be introduced into the common ventilation shafts, through which the exhaust stream flows to the street.
Note! In order for the ventilation channels to be able to vent air outside, fresh flows should be ensured. It can flow into the building in various ways: through half-open doors, windows, air vents, ventilators and inlet ventilation valves. The instruction warns that the street flow must flow into all rooms of the house.
- If it is not possible to build a ventilation duct in the room, then a 1.5 / 2 cm gap should be made in its bottom door.
- At the bottom of the doors of those rooms where there are air ducts, it is desirable to make several decorative openings or install a small grille.
How to improve air circulation
New buildings are now being built on the principle of energy saving, i.e. they are sealed. The same thing happens if you equip the old building with windows that have double-glazed windows.
On the one hand, heat losses are sharply reduced, on the other - the inhabitants of the house are beginning to experience oxygen starvation.
- To prevent such a phenomenon, inlet windows or external walls should be installed inlet valves.
- If you order new windows, order fixtures immediately with them. The price of the blocks will increase slightly, but you will not have to bother with installing the valves separately.
- It is necessary to install devices at a height of about 2 m. This is necessary in order for the cool intake air to warm up before it reaches the residential altitude level.
However, installing inlet valves also does not always help.
This is due to the following reasons.
- Insufficient traction in the summer, when the outside air is warmer than the inside.
- A sharp increase in the volume of polluted or spent atmosphere as a result of a one-time implementation of hygienic procedures, cooking, general cleaning, etc.
- Insufficient cross-section of the exhaust ductwork due to faulty design.
In these cases, in order to improve the air circulation in the rooms, natural ventilation should be replaced by forced ventilation.
Supply and exhaust systems
The principle of operation of exhaust ventilation is the combination of natural (inlet) ventilation and forced (exhaust) analogue. This scheme is quite simple, but effective. The mechanical system quite productively removes exhaust air from the premises and saturates them with fresh street air.
Note! It should be noted that the supply and exhaust structures are quite expensive and difficult to operate. However, the benefits of using them outweigh this circumstance.
Benefits of Forced Ventilation
- Sufficient inflow of clean air into the rooms, as a result of which the comfort of people's life activity is achieved.
- The whole structure is mounted from safe and clean environmentally friendly materials. During operation, the ventilation does not pollute the atmosphere.
- The principle of operation of ventilation allows you to save thermal energy in the house and additionally clean the outside air.
Based on the purpose and area of ventilated rooms, the system can have both simple and complex device. The main difficulty in the installation of the structure is the exact connection of the ventilation ducts from the air distributors to the rooms.
In addition to standard exhaust devices (fans), the electrical schematic diagram of the inlet ventilation may include:
- air heater for heating the air in the cold season;
- electronic type sensors to control the temperature in the rooms;
- controllers and regulators of the percentage of CO2 in the air, etc.
In addition, the system can be equipped with:
- carbon filters for purifying outdoor air;
- chiller;
- recuperator;
- sound absorbers, etc.
Ventilation with heat recovery
The big disadvantage that the concept of ventilation of the combined type has is a significant decrease in efficiency.
Note! To increase it by 10/15%, the principle of supply and exhaust air circulation was developed with its heat utilization. Its main element is a device, which is called a recuperator. Its main task is to save energy and reduce heat loss in a building.
The principle of operation of the device is simple: the exhaust air is sent from the rooms to the heat exchanger. There he gives his heat to the oncoming stream of cool street air. At the same time, the counter flows of internal and external air do not mix with each other, but only participate in heat exchange.
Ventilation with heat recovery can be installed not only in office and residential buildings, but also in industrial and garage premises with a high content of harmful substances in the atmosphere.
What is the scheme of the ventilation system
It is impossible to do without creating a full-fledged project of forced-air and exhaust ventilation. It gives you the opportunity to create the right and economical air circulation systems.
Design documentation should contain ventilation schemes, i.e. drawings describing the design of the system, including an indication of the ducts used and the network equipment. As a rule, plans are created in axonometry.
The electrical circuit of emergency ventilation or conventional includes a complete description of the electrical devices used in the system and a drawing of their connection to the power supply.
In a generalized sense, the concept of "ventilation scheme" implies the type of system used. For example, it can be a combination of a mechanical supply and exhaust natural networks, or vice versa.
This example vividly shows that in the design it often turns out that it becomes necessary to connect two oppositely designed ventilation systems with their own hands.
Before you are going to equip the ventilation system in your home, you will need to choose the principle of its operation and the electrical circuitry of the network. In simple cases, you can do it yourself. If the structure of the ventilation will be difficult, it is best to contact the experts.
The video in this article will give you the opportunity to read more information.