Ventilation maintenance: how to maintain equipment


The ventilation system, like any other engineering network, requires periodic work to maintain its efficiency. Most often this is done by professionals with relevant skills and experience. However, given the high cost of servicing the ventilation, many home masters perform the procedures provided for by the regulations themselves.

Ventilation systems need periodic maintenance.

General provisions

List of works

Maintenance of fresh air supply systems should be carried out at least once every six months.

The list of works stipulated by the regulations includes:

  • inspection of ventilation and air conditioning systems in order to revise the condition and technical integrity of air ducts, central highways, as well as existing electrical equipment;
  • replacement of devices that failed, and, if necessary, repair of their individual components and assemblies;
  • cleaning of ventilation ducts, suction and exhaust valves, grilles;
  • cleaning or complete replacement of air channel filters;
  • removal of mineral and organic deposits, disinfection and disinfection of ventilation channels and fans.
In the photo - debris and dust in the ventilation

Service maintenance

If the ventilation system is installed in industrial buildings or commercial premises, in addition to the work described in the previous section, it is necessary to carry out service maintenance of air conditioners and ventilation. As a rule, this is done by specialized organizations with experienced workers and appropriate permits.

The list of additional services includes:

  • measuring the pressure of the air flow and its temperature in the air ducts of the ventilation system;
  • testing the performance of automatic control systems and electrical wiring supplying equipment;
  • measurements of starting and operating current in ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • check the operation of devices for cooling and heating the air;
  • diagnostics of hard-to-reach ventilation areas with the help of special video equipment.
Employees of specialized firms will do their job quickly and efficiently.

Note! The maintenance of the general ventilation system of an apartment building is prohibited with its own hands, since this may harm property that is in common use. Therefore, when the ventilation efficiency drops, it is necessary to seek help from the specialists of the organization operating the house (Housing Office, OSBB, etc.).

Consequences of failure to perform routine work

If the maintenance work on ventilation, which is provided for in the operating instructions for this engineering network, is not carried out, this can lead to very sad consequences:

  • the products of combustion formed during cooking in the kitchen will not be removed from the room, and the carbon monoxide that is deadly to humans accumulates in the room;
  • inadequate air exchange in the sanitary premises becomes the cause of high humidity, which, in turn, contributes to the appearance of mold and fungi in the bathroom;
  • weak traction in the toilet leads to an unpleasant smell (in addition, air from other toilets located in the apartments above and below yours can get into this room, which will not add comfort).
Failure of ventilation can lead to sad consequences.

Ventilation Network Service


To ensure that ventilation always works as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to constantly clean the grilles protecting the exhaust holes and air ducts leading to the central shaft.

However, before this it is advisable to make sure that there is no traction. Take a sheet of paper with a length of 25 and a width of 4 cm and is applied to the hole.

If it “sticks” to the grid, there is no need for maintenance work. A different situation indicates the absence of air flow and the need for cleaning.

Tip! Do not use a lit match or cigarette lighter to determine thrust. Accumulated gas in the air duct can cause a fire or explosion.

Such a grille does not contribute to the efficient operation of the ventilation system.

The procedure for cleaning the ventilation is as follows:

  1. The grille protecting the air outlet is dismounted. This can be done with a regular bench screwdriver.
  2. Often there are organic deposits on the grid. Therefore, it must be washed using ordinary household tools for dishes. If it is impossible to remove the pollution, it is advisable to replace the grate with a new one.
  3. Using a scoop, you must remove the debris that has accumulated in the duct. If there is no suitable spatula, you can use a spatula or trowel. Be sure to wear rubber gloves on your hands and do not touch the garbage. There may be sharp objects, as well as the remains of dead insects, rodents and birds.
  4. In order to maximize cleaning, dust that has accumulated in the ventilation duct can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Upon completion, you should install the grille in place and re-check the ventilation function as described above.
Sign of effective ventilation

By the way, another sign of the disruption of the ventilation system is the appearance of cobwebs on the grate. It can not be burned with matches for the reason mentioned earlier.

With the help of specialists

Despite the fact that the price of service maintenance of ventilation networks, performed by specialized firms, is quite high, it is desirable to give preference to this method.

A specialist in cleaning up ventilation is preferred for several reasons at once:

  1. Often, various pathogens appear in the air ducts of the ventilation network, which can cause serious health problems. A cleaning professional has at his disposal equipment that allows to disinfect ventilation by destroying mold, fungi and microbes that negatively affect people living in an apartment or house.
  2. Due to the timely cleaning of all ventilation ducts, the risk of fire is reduced.
  3. Disinfection of ventilation ducts is mandatory for buildings and structures, the sanitary condition of which is receiving increased attention.
It is better to entrust the work of a specialist with the appropriate equipment.


Cleaning ventilation and air conditioning systems is a mandatory measure that allows not only to preserve their performance, but also to prevent diseases of people in ventilated rooms.

For more information about the service of this engineering network, you can learn from the video in this article.