How to connect the automatic machine to the water supply and

Water supply

Often when buying a washing machine, people spend extra money on the services of a wizard to connect it, and professionals estimate their work quite expensive. However, this operation does not constitute anything difficult, therefore, it is within the power of every household master to perform. The only thing you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances that are given below.

Machine automatic

Standard machine connection machine

Location selection

So, you have become the happy owner of a new washing machine automatic. Now it remains only to connect it with their own hands to the water supply and sewage. But before you do this, you must first find a suitable place for it.

In standard city apartments there are not so many options, so washing machines are usually placed in the following rooms:

  • On the kitchen;
  • In the toilet;
  • In the bathroom or combined bathroom.
The location of the washing machine in the bathroom

When choosing a place should be guided by the following rules:

  • It is necessary to ensure free access to the installed apparatus.
  • The device should not interfere with movement.
  • It should be possible to bring the water supply to the machine and connect the drain.

After the place is determined, you can proceed to further action.


Complicated household appliances, such as washing machines, manufacturers very carefully packaged so that it does not get damaged during transport. Therefore, before installing the device, you need to free it from the original packaging and unscrew the bolts that secure the drum.

In addition, it is necessary to pull out the plugs, which are used to protect the holes from moisture ingress into them. Bolts should be retained, as they may be required in the case of equipment shipment.

The elements of the back of the washing machine

The order of removal of all shipping elements contains a manual, which is attached without fail to each product. If you follow the scheme carefully, you will be able to unpack and connect the equipment without any problems.

Note! Turning on the device with shipping bolts is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the breakdown of important technical units is simply inevitable. Moreover, the consequences may be such that it will be impossible to repair the device.

Water connection

Most models of washing machines can be operated only with ensuring uninterrupted supply of water. To do this, the device is connected to the water supply using the inlet hose that comes with the machine.

Inlet hose

Tip! If it turns out that the length of the hose is not enough, in any plumbing store you can buy a similar, but longer copy. As a rule, the price of such hoses is low.

To connect the hose to the machine at the back of it there is a special hole.

Its other end must be connected to the water supply as follows:

  • If the system does not provide a special output, it is necessary to purchase a ball valve with two outlets or a tee for pipes and an ordinary ball valve.
Inset with tee
  • Then you need to turn off the water in the system and cut the faucet in a suitable place. This procedure depends on the material from which the plumbing is made. If, for example, pipes made of polypropylene, a special soldering iron is required to install the fitting.
  • After tapping the crane, you need to connect a hose to it by screwing a cap nut onto the threads.

Tip! To extend the life of the washing machine, between it and the water supply should install a special filter that softens the water.

In the photo - a ball valve for connecting a washing machine

Actually, this is the procedure for connecting to the water supply system completed.

Connect to the sewer

You can connect the washer to the sewage system in two ways:

Through plumbing fixtures For this drain hose has a special hook that allows you to attach it to the edge of the bathroom, sink or even a toilet bowl. This method is the easiest, but not very convenient.
Stationary For this, a special two-way siphon is purchased, which is connected to the nearest sink or washbasin. One input of this device is designed specifically for the machine.

As a rule, owners of washing machines prefer the second method, however, it is temporarily possible to drain the drain through the nearest sanitary fixture.

Options for connecting equipment to the drain

Connecting cars without plumbing

Often, in rural areas and in summer cottages there is no centralized water supply or pressure in the system is not enough to operate the equipment. Because people are often interested in - is there a way to connect a typewriter machine without running water, or will you have to give up using this good of civilization?

In fact, a solution to this problem exists, and there are even two of them:

  • Buy a special machine with a tank - in this case, the tank can be filled with water manually or connected to a water supply system with a weak pressure.
  • Provide water supply under a certain pressure from any source to an ordinary typewriter.

Below we consider both options for how to install an automatic machine without running water.

Tank machine

Tank machine

The machine is installed in rural areas without a water supply system with a special cistern installed very simply - you just need to connect the device to the outlet, type in the water tank and ensure the drain. If there is no sewage system, it is possible to put a drainage container at the washing time near the washing machine.

I must say that this option is not in special demand, for the following reasons:

  • Such models of devices are much more expensive than conventional machines.
  • It is not very convenient to carry water in your hands, especially if a large family lives in the house and is washed frequently.

Therefore, the second option, which is described below, is more popular.

Connection diagram of the tank to the washing machine

Plain machine-machine

First of all, we will consider how to install a typewriter machine if there is no running water, and at the same time spend a minimum of funds. It is quite simple to do this - install a water tank above the washing machine, or use a large tank and hold a water supply from its bottom.

It should immediately be said that not all models of washing machines will work in this case. Sometimes, to ensure the necessary pressure, the tank has to be placed on the second floor. Some devices refuse to work at all with low pressure.

In this case, the solution is to use a pumping station. If there is a well on the site, then there will be no problems with connecting and operating the equipment, as it will be possible to take water directly from there. The only thing for this, in addition to the pump, will have to purchase filters to clean and soften the water.

Injection pump

If there is no well, you can use an ordinary tank, by installing a pressure pump between it and the apparatus. In this case, plastic pipes or even a flexible hose can be used for the installation of a water supply system.

The disadvantage of this option is that from time to time it will be necessary to fill the tank with water, but the main thing is that the machine will work without a water pipe.

Electricity connection

Often, people do not pay attention to the connection of equipment to electricity, they use various extenders and tees for this purpose. However, this approach often leads to fire wiring and other unpleasant consequences.

Therefore, electrical work is better to entrust a specialist, as they require special knowledge.

In particular, the electrician will perform the following necessary operations:

  • Determine the cross-section and power supply wires;
  • Will select the most optimal cable;
  • Install an euro socket with a safety device and an earth contact.

Thus, you only need to connect the device to the water supply and sewage system yourself, and leave the rest of the work to a specialist. In this case, not only equipment, but also housing will be protected from unforeseen situations.

Here, perhaps, are all the main features of connecting an automatic washing machine to communications.


Connecting a washing machine in an apartment or house with running water is quite simple. The only difficulty is only in the sidebar of a special crane. In the countryside, where there is no water supply, it is somewhat more difficult to do this, however, it is quite possible for every home craftsman to cope with this task on their own.

From the video in this article, you can read some additional information on this topic.