How to find water for a well on the site
Happy owners of a country site, summer cottage or home are faced with problems of water supply. Drinking water can be brought from the store, the city or in a barrel from a nearby column. The need for water will constantly increase. Consequently, it is necessary to look for another way in the water supply of your site. The only way to provide your site and house with water in sufficient quantities is to drill a well. One fundamental decision on drilling is not enough. It is necessary to know how to find water for the well at the site, so that work with the involvement of technology was carried out not in vain, and the investment was well spent.

The soil structure at a depth is uneven and differs in its physical properties and thickness. Some layers filter water, and others - impermeable, which do not allow water to pass through them. Kinks, a different ratio of the thickness of sandy soils above the waterproof layers form the so-called underground reservoirs.
Depending on the terrain and climatic zone, groundwater can be located already at a depth of less than 1 meter. The quality of such water leaves much to be desired, so water can be used exclusively for technical needs on the site (irrigation). In the dry summer this layer may dry up, the risk of being left without water until the autumn is very high.

The first deep aquifer can occur at a depth of 10 meters. These waters are filtered, they can be used both for technical needs and for drinking with additional filtration and disinfection if its parameters do not meet sanitary standards. There may be several such layers. They are separated by waterproof soil. The underlying aquifers are under pressure from the soil and rocks. The water of each underlying layer has the best taste and incorporates minerals and salts that are useful to humans.
The most valuable is the artesian layer. It can lie at a depth of more than 100 meters.
Artesian water is a strategic reserve and its production is controlled by the state. A license is required for drilling, the well owner must obtain a permit and a project for the construction of the well. The location of the well is enclosed, there should not be a single building at a distance of 60 meters to avoid contamination of the aquifer. Unauthorized drilling and extraction of artesian water is prosecuted.
Search methods

Water under the well on the site can be found in several ways. Let's look at them in more detail.

In ancient times, the aquifer was searched for by water evaporation from the earth. For this, the clay pot was dried in the sun, and then turned over and placed on the ground at the intended location. If there was condensation on the walls, then there was water in this place. In modern conditions, instead of a pot, you can use silica gel, which perfectly absorbs moisture. The dried material in a clay pot is weighed, then covered with a cloth and buried in the ground for half a meter. A day later, the pot with the water absorber is weighed. The greater the difference in weight, the closer the aquifer is.

The presence of the aquifer was also determined by vegetation on the site. Moisture-loving plants indicate the presence of a horizon with water. Sorrel, nettle, birch grow well in wet soils. Apple trees, cherries will rot at close aquifer levels. Pines talk about its deep occurrence.

The presence of water at the site can be determined on the basis of observations of natural phenomena. The area where the lens is located or an underground reservoir, is characterized by frequent presence of fog with a sharp decrease in temperature in the summer. But such a phenomenon suggests that the soil is wet, and the reasons may be different. Waterproof layers often repeat the terrain. In the depressions and depressions, the water on the site will be necessarily present. At the top of the mountains and slopes the chance to find an aquifer is minimal.

Exploratory drilling is the most reliable way to determine the aquifer. With the help of a garden drill and a bar to build up its length, you can dig down to 10 meters. A screw with a diameter of 20-30 mm allows you to do without the mechanized method of drilling. The exception is heavy, stony ground. Every 10–15 cm the auger is removed together with the ground. With the help of monitoring the excavated soil, it is easy to determine its structure, the presence of filtering and impermeable layers, the moisture content of the soil.

You can watch the animals in the summer heat - they dig holes where the water is closest to the surface.
We hope that the tips from this article will help you quickly and accurately find the source of water in your area.
What do plants say about how to search for aquifers and streams? You will find the answer in the video:
In this video you can see how exploratory drilling is carried out: