How to find water for a well: using different methods

Water supply

In this article we will look at how to find water for a well, so as not to be mistaken with the place of its construction. Because efforts are required to make rather big and it will be incredibly disappointing for yourself if it turns out that the deposits of N2About in the selected location is not.

Photo of a water source spouting out of the ground

General provisions

There are three options for the location of groundwater:

  1. Verkhovodka. These are peculiar superficial accumulations of liquid, which are usually formed due to abundant precipitation. Consequently, in the dry season they usually disappear. Three or four-meter layer of soil does not provide protection from pollution, so this source is not drinking.
The picture shows the weak protection of the water pipe from external pollution.
  1. Groundwater. In the ground, at a depth of 10–15 meters, a hard layer of clay is usually deposited, which traps moisture accumulating above the sandstone. In some places of the fault, the humidity level is so high that whole underground lakes form. Having a sufficient level of filtration and protection, such water is sufficiently pure and pleasant to taste. It is for her and should hunt when choosing a place for your well.
Scheme of groundwater and artesian water
  1. Artesian water. These are incredibly deep deposits, from 50 m to 300 m, located between two waterproof layers of clay and limestone. The liquid in them has a very high level of purification and protection from any external sources of pollution. A well punched to such an aquifer also has high productivity. Selling price of such production N2About very high, besides the special boring equipment and the help of experts is required.

Tip: It is recommended to use groundwater for domestic water supply. Because the water supply is too dirty and inconstant, and an artesian well is expensive and laborious in production.

Water search

The most accurate way to find out if there is an underground source is to conduct exploratory drilling before installing a well. But this is quite a costly undertaking and even it should be carried out in the most likely for the N deposits.2About the place. In order to find water for a well for many centuries, many different methods have been used in their essence and effectiveness. We analyze the most common:


Fog over the village

Mist, formed by abundant moisture coming out of the ground, swirls or spreads near the grass itself. Where it is most abundant, there is an underground source closer to the surface. So, having spent the morning or evening observations of this atmospheric phenomenon, one can find the approximate location of our goal.


How to find a vein for the well on the behavior of animals?

Our ancestors also noticed the following features:

  • Field mice do not settle in wet ground. So, if you notice their holes, you can safely go on - here the water is too deep.
Field rodent dwelling
  • A horse, when it needs drinking, hoofs the ground where it feels like it is close to quenching its thirst.
The horse feels the moisture
  • A dog on a hot day digs a hole to hide in the most damp place.
  • The hen avoids running in places where the location of the underground source is possible.
  • But the goose, on the contrary, seeks to cross the aquifers.
Goose seeks to find an underground lake
  • Moshkar chooses the wettest place in the evening to form its “posts”.


Water-loving crops cannot grow without the presence of appropriate conditions, and those who love a dry climate will die in the marshland. This is a clear rule of survival among wild plants. So they are a fairly accurate indicator of the occurrence of groundwater.

Table of depth of groundwater in meters depending on the growing on the surface of plants

So the presence of coltsfoot, hemlock, nettle or sorrel indicate a high level of soil moisture in your area. And the alder, willow and birch tilt their crown will indicate the desired direction.

A good example of the desire of willow to water

Glass Jars

Instructions for the use of such an extraordinary method is as follows:

  • Prepare glass jars of the same volume.
  • We place them on the plot with our own hands with an outlet to the ground in the evening.
  • In the morning we check for condensate.
  • The greater the amount, the closer the location of the groundwater.

Aluminum frame

Use of aluminum frame

A very interesting way that helps how to find an old well, and a place for a new one:

  • Take two aluminum wires.
  • Bend them at an angle of 90 degrees so that one of the sides is 15 cm.
  • We insert them into the hollow wooden tubes with other sides. However, they must be rotated from each other.
  • We go with them on the site.
  • In a place where there is an underground source, they will intersect. If you pass by the desired one, then the ends of the wires will turn exactly in the right direction.
  • Going further, you will find that your indicators have returned to their original position.
  • Then go back and go through the wire crossing point perpendicular to your previous route. If the result is repeated, you can proceed to land work.

Tip: to obtain a reliable result, it is recommended to use not one, but at least 2-3 of the above methods for finding groundwater. This will greatly enhance the success of your event.


If you dig a well in a randomly chosen place, it can lead to disastrous results, lack of water. All the work and expenses will then be in vain, and this will not take you a step closer to implementing your own water supply system. Therefore, you should use various methods to find underground sources.

The centuries-old observations of our ancestors provide an impressive arsenal of suitable methods. These include the natural phenomenon of fog, animal behavior, plant placement, condensate collection in glass jars and the use of an aluminum frame. When you achieve the desired results, you can conduct exploration drilling for confidence.

Exploration drilling

The video in this article will show you the additional material on this topic.

Carrying out search work guarantees a positive result.